On 9 December 2016, the AMiCA project organized their closing symposium to present the results of this 4 year interuniversitary research project. The symposium was organized around the three use cases in the AMiCA project and featured guest lectures from a variety of organizations, who framed the problems from a societal angle.
The AMiCA project, a collaboration between the University of Antwerp, Ghent University and KULeuven, is nominated for a LIA (Language Industry Award) in the category of "Best language project 2015ā. The AMiCA project develops technologies to ensure the online safety of children on the Internet. We deploy advanced language and image analysis techniques to monitor social media messages on a large scale. Without invading the childās privacy, we can help detect and prevent typical online threats, such as sexually transgressive behavior, depression and suicidality, and cyberbullying.
The paper "Automatic Detection and Prevention of Cyberbullying" by Cynthia Van Hee and her AMiCA co-authors has won the Best Paper award at The First International Conference on Human and Social Analytics. The award-winning paper will soon be available from this site.
["Femme de la rue", but then online] Radio 1 - 07/11/2015
Alle emancipatie ten spijt: meisjes krijgen het op het internet harder te verduren dan jongens. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek van de Universiteit Antwerpen. En ook volwassen vrouwen hebben er last van. Wat is de impact daarvan? En vooral: wat doen we eraan?
We praten erover met onderzoekster Kathleen Van Royen van de Universiteit van Antwerpen.
Kathleen Van Royen (MIOS) was interviewed for the TV show Volt on the topic of hate speech on social media and the potential of AMiCA-technology in this context. You can watch the broadcast by clicking on the image below. Kathleen's interview starts around 10:50.
[Internetcop starts battle with cyberbullying] deredactie.be - 24/03/2015
De politie bindt via Facebook de strijd aan met cyberpesten. Sylva Polfliet (29) is de eerste officiƫle "netflik" van ons land, schrijft Het Nieuwsblad vanmorgen. Via de Facebookpagina "Netflik Amow" beantwoordt ze vragen van middelbare scholieren en geeft ze advies.